The majority of our time was spent in San Jose at the dentist. However, we made three get-a-ways...
The first was to Monteverde. A really nice town that is high in the mountains. Some friends of ours from Glenwood Springs have lived there for 7 years. Tim, Murtha and their 2 boys. They live about as remote as remote can be - even though they are just down the mountain from Monteverde. Imagine the worst road you have been on and magnify it a 100-fold, that is the road to their house. Once you get there it's beautiful. Tim and Murtha own 70 acres, they power there home with the water that comes from the rain forest. There home is lovely with amazing views.
Our second adventure was to a volcano and waterfall, butterfly park. They had only recently re-opened after an earthquake did considerable damage back in January.
Third - we went to Jaco. It was a great beach town. We had started for another town but were disappointed with it and made our way to Jaco. We happened on a vacancy sign and decided to "check it out". We are so grateful we did. The drive to the hotel was 1.5 miles up a mountain. It was called Villa Calletas. Owned by a French man it was filled with wonderful art. It had views of the ocean and rain forest.
All three were a nice reprive and gave us a much needed break from San Jose.
Glad to see a post. Looks like a good time. That fish didn't look too hot though...Love Clint